Western Expansion Area Maps

Last term Year 7 students were investigating plans for the expansion of Milton Keynes. As part of this work the students used Google Maps to create interactive maps of the proposed Western Expansion Area (WEA). Harvey Dunn's finished map is shown below.

View WEA in a larger map.

Harvey has added different placemarkers and shapes which you can click on to learn more about the plans. Links to more of the students' maps can be found here.

As well as making maps of the WEA we held a class debate on whether or not greenfield sites should be developed. For the debate students had to plan a speech as if they were in someone else's shoes. The roles included an ecowarrior, town councilor, vicar and farmer. It was a lively debate with some students bringing props to help them get into character. The outcome of the debate can be read about in the students' reports which are on display in room 6.

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