Lanzarote's Albino Crabs

The albino crabs of Lanzarote are a great example of an animal adapted to a unique environment. The crabs are endemic to (only found in) a lake on the north-east corner of the island of Lanzarote in the Spanish Canaries.

The lake is found in part of a 4km lava tunnel created by molten lava from a volcanic eruption about 4,000 years ago. The lake at Jameos del Agua is the habitat of the pale white crabs, which are completely blind.

The crabs' colourless appearance and blindness is due to the lack of sunlight in the tunnel. Because of a lack of predators the bottom of the lake is densely populated by the crabs which have no camouflage and no need to hide from view.

Here are a few photos taken on my recent trip to Lanzarote...

View down to the lake
At the far end the roof of the lava tunnel has collapsed
The distinctive albino crabs

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the example Mr Hutchinson! The crabs almost look fluorescent due to their colour-less appearance.
