Kony 2012

Today Year 9 are reflecting on the viral video Kony 2012 which has been making waves on various social networks recently. This viral video was first brought to my attention by the students while we were discussing the causes of conflict in Sudan last week.

First, watch the Kony 2012 film from Invisible Children.

Once you have watched the film answer these first two questions:

1. What have you learnt about the situation in Central Africa from this film?

2. What message do you think the film makers are trying to get across?

Now watch this second short film from The Guardian.

Once you have watched this second film answer these further questions:

3. Is the Kony 2012 message too simple? If so, why?

4. Are there better strategies for defeating the LRA than those suggested in the Kony 2012 video?


  1. 1.i have learned that manny people are being killed because of a manni abusing his power
    2.the film maker is trying to say that the Internet has a big impact on the world and people make a big difference when they work together
    3.so far I think it is because there is many people like Konya
    4.no I think the video has got a very good plan behind it.

    By Ashley' Mann and Snead cook

  2. 1.I have learnt that he kidnaps children and makes then kill their parents and uses the girls as sex slaves and the boys as soldiers.

    2.The message is that we are trying to stop kony by the end of 2012 and get justice.

  3. 1.i learned that there is a guy call kony who adopt children and force them to kill people.
    2.They are trying to make him popular so we can stop him.


  4. 1.the situation in Africa is dyer it needs to be stopped I have learned that kony is some next waste man as he shouldn't be doing this too kids. Kyran and tyler

  5. 1.i learned that there is a guy call kony who adopt children and force them to kill people.
    2.They are trying to make him popular so we can stop him.


  6. The conflict in central Africa has been ongoing for a very long time,but the question that I ask my self is WHY NOW ? Kony in not the only war criminal in central Africa and all these other criminals have committed the same horrific crimes.i am not against what Kony 12 is try to do but this is only scratching the surface of the real proble . J.o.e

  7. 1) the situation is quite serious, and kony is taking control of children and making them do in inappropriate things. They are becoming slaves, and watching this video has made the whole class realise how serious the situation in central Africa is.

    2) they are trying to get across that kony hasn't been noticed for years,and this year is the chance to arrest him,so they need to make him as known as possible. They are asking people to spread the word about him.

    3) We don't think the 2012 Kony message is too simple.

    4) no,we don't think there are any better strategies for defeating the LRA

    Hadi & Laura Xxx

  8. The conflict in central Africa has been ongoing for a very long time,but the question that I ask my self is WHY NOW ? Kony in not the only war criminal in central Africa and all these other criminals have committed the same horrific crimes.i am not against what Kony 12 is try to do but this is only scratching the surface of the real proble . J.o.e I am a goon

  9. 3. Yes it is to simple because it doesn't go in to that much detail about the LRA and how they live.

    4. Yes supply the people that work for the LRA food , shelter, job and education so that kony will be power less

    By Ashley Mann and Snead cook

  10. Kony will get scared if you pressure him to much and will be even more rash than usual so in the process losing More lives :(.

  11. No it shows a good understanding off the topic and if you want to know more it gives you links, , yeah killing kony?

  12. 3)yes iit affects more people than the children it affects the whole town and the woman like a woman got pregnant because they made her sleep with a man she did not know It also affects the school and church

    4) yes I think that they should have a bigger army to track him down .

    Emily and Georgia

  13. 1. Yes It also have an effect of the community around them because the person to help may build new school or make the place a better area.
    2.People could make it popular and ask for help to other countries

  14. What kind of help could other countries give?

  15. What alternatives are there to assasinating Kony? Would it be better to put him on trial for war crimes perhaps?

  16.  A good point Tyler. What alternatives could there be to tageting Kony directly?

  17. I would agree, it is important to remember there are other rebel leaders and probably people who would take Kony's position if he was captured.

    Some good ideas, well done.

  18. Why do you think these children stay with the LRA?

  19.  Why do the film makers think that making Kony well known will help?

  20. A very good point Joe. You are right in that there are likely to be other rebel leaders comitting war crimes and focusing on just Kony will not necessarily be enough to solve the problems. However, the Kony 2012 video may help raise awareness of the problems in Central Africa which could lead to governments taking action which might not have otherwise been taken.

  21. then can give health care or economical help

  22. Good suggestions Ariane. Why might helping the country become more developed, in the ways you suggested, bring an end to the conflict?
