PowerPoint and Beyond

Here are some tips for Year 8 and 9 students who are busy preparing presentations for their assessment next week.

If you're using PowerPoint or similar:
  1. Keep slides concise. Make sure you use bullet points and keep the amount of text on each slide to a minimum.
  2. Don't just read from slides! Your slides should summarise your key points, have some notes on flash cards for yourself.
  3. Keep it easy on the eye. Careful with your choice of colours and fonts, especially when putting annotations on graphs and pictures. Keep your text readable!
  4. Go easy on transitions and word art. Stick to one transition style for your slides and don't waste time with lots of word art. A more consistent appearance will give your presentation a more professional look.
  5. A picture is worth a thousand words. Choose pictures that are engaging and show what you are talking about.

Don't forget there are many other ways to present, apart from PowerPoint, here are just a few ideas:
  1. Get into role and dress up as a character from the place, or how about an older you for ageing population? What props could you use?
  2. Make a video using images and music from the internet or record your own.
  3. Sing or rap your research yourself or bring song sheets and get the class to sing along.
  4. Write a poem in which each verse could be about a different aspect of your independent enquiry. You could have slide-show of related photos and graphs playing in the background as you read.
  5. Make a fact sheet or leaflet to give out to the class rather than using a PowerPoint. Remember to hand these in advance for photocopying.

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