Independent Enquiries: Have Your Say

Year 8 and 9 students have now completed one independent enquiry project this term and are currently working on their second project. I would like some feedback on these projects and invite all year 8 and 9 students to complete a brief questionnaire.


Please post your answers as a comment below.

1. On scale of 1 to 10 how much did you enjoy working on your independent enquiry project? Give the highest score of 10 if you really enjoyed the project and would rather do these than weekly homeworks.

2. What aspects of the independent enquiry did you:
    a) enjoy the most?
    b) enjoy the least?

3. Was there enough guidance on the task sheet? If not, please suggest what else would be useful.

4. How easy was it to find the information you needed? Choose one.
  • very easy
  • easy
  • difficult
  • very difficult

5. What information sources have you used for research? List all that apply.
  • internet
  • local library
  • school library
  • my own research
  • other (please give details)

Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!


  1. 1. 6
    2. a)working independently
    b)too much things to find out about.
    3. there was enough guidence on the sheet
    4. difficult
    5. internet.

    Emily Bartram 8M

  2. Q1 7 but I do not want to do more of these.
    Q2 finding the info
    writing it down
    Q3 there was enough info
    Q4 Easy
    Q5Internet(multiple sites)

    From Gary

  3. 1. 9/10 comment: I really liked the project and the time given to the project was good.
    2. Doing it as a big poster because I could put more info on the poster than I could do on a A4 pease of paper.
    3. There was enough info to do the project but maby some more pics.
    4. Difficult because I got lot's of info for the project.
    5. I used the internet then put it in to my own words.
    Christian Wybrow 8M

  4. 1. 5
    2. a) I enjoyed used internet for research and that kind of thing.
    b) I prefer doing weekly homework.
    3. There was quite a lot of guidance on the sheet, it was good.
    4. Dfficult.
    5. Internet, my own research.

    Laurie Allan, 8m

  5. 1.6
    2a.i enjoyed choosing pictures and putting the project together.
    2b.I didnt enjoy finding the information and it used up lots of time.
    3.There was enough information. was quite difficult
    5.the internet

  6. 1. 5
    2.a) decorating the booklet
    b)couldn't find info
    3)it was alright but could have been more useful links

  7. 1. 7/10
    a) finding information and putting it in a presentation
    b) finding how to put the information into a presentation
    3. yes

  8. Q1: i like doing the small prodjects better than the weekly homework so probably a 7...
    Q2: I enjoyed finding the information off the computor better than looking it up in a book because i find computor work much easier than loking it up in a book i didnt enjoy spelling and reading because sometimes the words get jumbled up in my head ands they dont make sense that well
    Q3: i dont think that the imformation on the sheet was spesific enough for me but it did give some usefiull information to where to go and basik things on what to do
    Q4: i found it very easy to get the information that i wanted and i knew where to go because i typed the words in pesificly on where i wanted to go.
    Q5: i used my mothers computor at my own house and used the info that i already knew and found it easy to type down what is saw (NOT THE PICTURES)

  9. Thanks to everyone who has posted answers so far!
